Dear Parents,
Choosing a primary school is the first major decision you make for your child. Congratulations as you have chosen well. St Dympna's School is an excellent choice because it offers many and varied educational opportunities for its students.
Firstly, we are a Catholic school, one of 147 schools administered by the Archdiocese of Brisbane Catholic Education Offices. St Dympna's School was established in 1963 by the St Joseph's Sisters to provide a Catholic education to the children of the Aspley parish. Just as Brisbane has grown and changed so too has the school which now provides for 21st century education in this age of technology. Being a parish school the students are encouraged to participate in the wider life of the parish community.
Parents are the first educators of their children, having nurtured our students for the first five and most formative years of their lives. St Dympna's School forms a vital partnership with parents as children move through their primary years of education. Children need to be hearing the same messages from both home and school if they are to grow into confident, articulate, successful and well adjusted young people.
Our school offers a rich curriculum including religious education, excellence in academic pursuits, a diverse arts program as well as many and varied sporting opportunities. Extensive grounds provide diverse play opportunities for children of all ages. Up to date technology is available across the school and is complemented by a modern resource centre incorporating a media room and technology laboratory. An active Parents and Friends Association ensures that the school's resources are well maintained and constantly updated. Our school is fully air conditioned throughout.
St Dympna's School has a multipurpose hall in which the school community gathers to play, perform, celebrate and be entertained. As parents you are invited to participate fully in this wonderful school community.
Peter Surawski

© BCE, St Dympna's Catholic Primary School (2023)