
History is a disciplined process of inquiry into the past that develops students' curiosity and imagination. The study of history is based on evidence derived from remains of the past. It is interpretative by nature, promotes debate and encourages thinking about human values, including present and future challenges. The process of historical inquiry develops transferable skills, such as the ability to ask relevant questions; critically analyse and interpret sources; consider context; respect and explain different perspectives; develop and substantiate interpretations, and communicate effectively. The curriculum generally takes a world history approach within which the history of Australia is taught. It does this in order to equip students for the world (local, regional and global) in which they live. An understanding of world history enhances students’ appreciation of Australian history. The Australian Curriculum

The History curriculum is organised into two interrelated strands:

- Historical Knowledge and Understanding

- Historical Inquiry Skills

Historical Knowledge and Understanding

This strand includes personal, family, local, state or territory, national, regional and world history. There is an emphasis on Australian history in its world history context at Foundation to Year 10 and a focus on world history in the senior secondary years. The strand includes a study of societies, events, movements and developments that have shaped world history from the time of the earliest human communities to the present day.

Historical Inquiry Skills

This strand uses the following skills in the process of historical inquiry. There is increasing emphasis on historical interpretation and the use of evidence.

- Chronology, terms and events

- Historical questions and research

- Analysis and use of sources

- Perspectives and interpretations

- Explanation and communication

Further information about the Australian History Curriculum can be found here.